Tuesday, June 28, 2011

P90 Progress Report

24th June 2011 - P90 day 10 - Sculpt 1-2
Adichu pudichu 10 days out of nearly 20 - quite bad but I hope holding on is going to help make it more regular.

Weight had gone down a bit in between, but today back to 59.something. Funnily fat percentage is significantly down to 27% ( it was 28.8% a couple of weeks back!)- wonder what I did? !!!

27th June 2011 - P90 day 11 - Cardio 1-2 + Abs 100 (Fingers crossed for the rest of the week :)).
I really love this cardio routine.. can feel it getting just that little bit easier!! Sculpt routine probably because of disliking the push-ups and lunges a bit, my brain does not feel like I should move onto Sculpt 3-4 anytime soon ;).

28th June 2011 - P90 day 12 - Sculpt 1-2
I've been using a 1 kg weight upto now. Started the 2 kg weight, but like i suspected it is a bit too much for most of the exercises, especially the lifting type ones. Using it for the curls and wherever else possible without straining my back.

29th June 2011 - P90 day 13 - Cardio 1-2 + Abs 100
I don't quite believe what happened today - was interrupted in the morning after my power yoga routine because of an unexpected guest.. was feeling a bit disgruntled all day. Managed to actually get around to it before dinner and finished the rest, even managed a bit of a warm-up by running behind Shehan as he cycled outside :).

30th June 2011 - P90 day 14 - Sculpt 1-2 + Abs 100
Just felt like adding the abs as I had time ;). Doing 2 kg weights for about 3-4 and 1 kg for the rest.

1st July 2011 - P90 day 15 - Cardio 1-2 + Abs 100

Good going this week.. hope it continues !

3rd July 2011 - P90 day 16 - Sculpt 1-2
Making up on Sunday instead of Saturday

5th July 2011 - P90 day 17 - Cardio 1-2 + Abs 100
Missed a day, but better late than never? !

6th July 2011 - P90 day 18 - Sculpt 1-2
18/30 days in the last month - decent!

7th July 2011 - P90 day 19 - Cardio 1-2 + Abs 100
8th July 2011 - P90 day 20 - Sculpt 1-2 + Abs 100

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Attacking the Exercise Monster yet again!

Everytime I "re-start" my exercise schedule, I ask myself - When I feel so good and energized after just a couple of days of exercising, why do I need to push myself to get back to it everytime?

Obviously there is no easy answer - there are a million excuses - from lack of time on some days, to my painful varicose problems on others, but even if a bit irregularly at first I am going to stick to it. The wonderful P90 is one of the best schedules I have ever come across - you really see an effect in abdominal weight and firmness within a couple of weeks of doing it. This time I am going to actually see it through for 90 days and see if it has any miraculous effects on my "abs".

One of my collegemates had posted on FB about this same routine, and I immediately pounced on the idea to have a partner of sorts :). Even if we're not synchronizing our schedules, just having some accountability, having someone to tell - Hey I managed to get to it today! - is a really good booster to trying to keep to some sort of, if not perfect routine.

So this time I am 5 days into it (last time I stopped at 2 weeks with my varicose pains) and keeping fingers crossed. Apologies to anyone reading this - I know I am sounding like a stuck record and being very repetitive, but I am just putting my accountability all over the internet :).