Friday, February 1, 2013

Of Meds and Moods

I am normally quite an upbeat person, and looking for the positive is something that comes naturally. But there come a few times when I find it really tough to be a happy trooper, and today is one of those. I just found out that my TSH (Thyroid) levels are still not under control after diligently continuing with my meds for the last 6 months. The only small positive there is that I've been having a very low dose and the doc has now increased it only slightly before needing to recheck in 6 weeks.

For most who don't know me personally, I am a person who hates having tablets of any sort - usually homeopathy works wonders for me, and I don't have to resort to standard medication much, and even homeo I avoid too much of. So in the last few months I've already been moaning and groaning about needing to take that thyroid tab every morning (not to mention the resultant Calcium tab since apparently the Thyronorm "leeches" my calcium!). The very fact that I need to continue something all my life just brings out my worst side, but I've been having the tabs nevertheless, simply because I'm too scared to stop them :(.

Well, all this post is trying to achieve is to bring out my fears, my irritation, and yet also establish the fact that I just have to lump it don't I. Sigh!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Letter to a Stranger - 1

This one is inspired from Monika's series (like this one)...

To the "Dude" who was standing behind me at the ATM,

Don't judge the person ahead of you in line, just because I took a little more time than normal and because you felt unable to spend that extra 2 minutes in your overwhelmingly busy schedule. And you probably assumed that since I'm a woman I "obviously" will take more time. Have you never tried to withdraw a large amount of money and found that the number of notes are too much, which means swipe again, enter again and wait for the notes again. And then do it again one more time for the remaining amount.

Maybe you never have to withdraw that type of cash, cos you're a cool dude and you can drop in at the ATM anytime, but I was withdrawing it for my dad who likes to take it as one large sum every month. And I had already visited one ATM that was out of order, and was probably in more of a hurry than you were as I was on the way to pick up my son from school too.

So dude, chill! And don't try to put across your point by sarcastically throwing a "Finished?" at me as I'm leaving.

Mon, this is a brilliant idea, I totally needed that out of my system!!